Hi! I used to blog semi-regularly, but that fell by the wayside when I started writing fiction. My published short stories are listed below, and you can find my old (and very occasional new) blog posts here.
“So, One of Those Tiny Alien Spaceships Has Flown Into Your House. Now What?” at Nature, November 2018.

“Bar Scenes with Time and Entropy” in text and audio (read by Alethea Kontis) at v2rayn安卓 下载, August 2018 (paywalled).

“The Shadow Over My Dorm Room”, in v2ray安卓客户端 下载, Baen, January 2018. Also available free to read online at Curious Fictions and in audio (paywalled) at The Drabblecast.

Noteworthy Customer Service Interactions, Example 12: Mendoza and Squeakybuns. A short story in V2rayNG客户端下载, November 2016. You can listen to an audio version at the Toasted Cake podcast, read by Tina Connolly. A text version is also availabl

Some Things I Probably Should Have Mentioned Earlier. A short story in Mothership Zeta, May 2016. You can listen to an audio version at the StarShipSofa podcast, read by Summer Brooks. Also in Flame Tree Studio’s Alien Invasion Short Stories anthology, May 2018. And V2rayNG客户端下载, read by me, at Escape Pod, October 2018. The text

V2ray官方客户端大全(安卓/苹果iOS/电脑) | 零度解密:下载:GitHub V2ray苹果手机iOS客户端 KITSUNEBI Kitsunebi 是一个基于 V2Ray 核心的 iOS 应用。它可伍创建基于 VMess 或者 Shadowsocks 的 VPN 连接。Kitsunebi 支持导入和导出与 V2Ray 兼容的 JSON 配置。 由于使用 V2Ray 核心,Kitsunebi 几乎 A short story on Daily Science Fiction, October 2015.
In the End, You Get Clarity. A short story in the Unidentified Funny Objects 4 anthology, October 2015. Also available free to read online at Curious Fictions.

I am Graalnak of the Vroon Empire, Destroyer of Galaxies, Supreme Overlord of the Planet Earth. Ask Me Anything. A short story on Flash Fiction Online, April 2015. There’s also an audio version available from amazon.com or audible.com (those are the same recording, but the prices may be different, and at various times Amazon Prime or Audible members have been able to download one or the other for free).

Why I Hate Zombie Unicorns, a short story in Shimmer, July 2014. There are two audio versions availble: one read by Renée Chambliss at v2ray安卓版下载, January 2015 (the story starts at about the 4:50 mark) and one read by Alexis Goble at v2ray手机版下载, July 2017 (the story starts at around the 18:30 mark).
The artwork was made by David Flett for The Drabblecast, and it’s one of my favorite things ever.

I’ve Been Told My LOLCat Captions Are Too Wordy, a list of overly-wordy LOLCat captions at McSweeney’s.
V2ray windows客户端V2RayW配置及使用教程_重庆seo博客:2021-3-23 · v2rayW是windows平台上基于v2ray核心的一款简单UI程序,目前仅支持vmess协议,不支持shadowsocks和socks5。本文详细介绍v2rayW的安装和配置使用步骤,希望能帮到用v2rayW的网友。
v2rayN下载-v2rayN Windows客户端 v2.11 中文版免费下载 ...:2021-9-24 · V2RayN 是 windows下 平台一个对新手比较友好的 V2Ray GUI 客户端,可伍让用户轻松进行对服务器进行添加和配置,还有更加便捷的设置和导出导出功能。 统一下载站首页 手机版, a tumblr of–well, actually, it’s pretty self-explanatory. I last updated it in December 2013, but I have a bunch of pictures on my phone that I plan to add to it Real Soon Now.
v2rayng苹果客户端下载. The last couple weeks in the life of my 16-year-old cat Holly, who died in 2012.
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